19Buildings & Places

The Urban Infill House

Sundream House

Year Built2021
Opening Hours12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Photography PermittedYes
Photographer | Angus Martin Photography
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10 Elder Entrance Burleigh Heads


Please note that you are welcome to arrive at the home for a tour anytime between 12-2pm.

Taking their architectural brief from a pair of creative business entrepreneurs and thought leaders, Baden and Cathy U’Ren, the Sundream home started its design journey as far back as 2015. Baden and Cathy had found the perfect site for their new home and life together, but the minor matter of creatures great and small put the project on pause – or as I like to say ‘paws’ – for a few years while they embarked with zeal on their new business, the Pet Wellness Centre.

Ironically, 2015 was also the year that the architecture firm degenhartSHEDD embarked on its own innovative design business of urban infill housing. This made balancing a traditional design brief for a family home with the unfamiliar territory of tiny lot subdivisions an extremely fulfilling and also challenging time. On reflection, architect Amy Degenhart says she believes the mutual love by clients and architect alike of clever innovation and fresh thinking was the common thread between the two endeavours, a love that is particularly visible in the beautifully woven tapestry of architecture and coastal lifestyle that defines this home.

Bringing these visions to life, Davey Constructions and interior designer, Sarah Davey, were an inspired choice, and the home that you will enjoy first-hand at the Gold Coast Open House 2022 can also be experienced coming into being via their comprehensive Instagram Reels.

Further information:

  • Photography is permitted at this venue.
  • This is not an accessible venue.

Sundream House

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